Thursday, January 7, 2010

Four months


Ezra has learned all kinds of things in the past week or so.  It’s incredible how fast they learn!  He rolled over on his own for the first time last week and I just happened to be taking his picture. 




In the last few weeks he has also found his tongue (as you can see), had his first bowl of rice cereal (loved every minute of it), started playing with his feet and is able to hold toys and put anything he can get a hold of in his mouth.  It is truly a wonder to watch them grow!

We think he is starting to look a lot like his daddy. What do you think?


Kristina said...

So cute! I love the drool! I do see Joel in him. I can't believe how big he is getting. Super sweet.

Caroline Brock said...

OH MY GOSH HE IS ADORABLE!!!!!! Can't wait to see you guys! It's amazing how much he's grown already--he does look a lot like joel--the eyes, and the forehead. Joel was quite possibly the cutest kid on the planet ( no joke, I knew him!). These pictures are already showing his personality. I just want to eat him up!

Holly said...

So cute! You are a great photographer by the way! Oh, and I love the Norah post, seriously cute! You're kids are absolutely fantastic!